Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Information According To §5 TMG:

This website is operated by:
Particula GmbH
Reinachstr. 57
80995 Munich

Represented by:

Managing Director Timm Reinsdorf


Telephone: +49 176 81454 545
E-Mail: info [at]

Commercial Register:

District Court Munich, Germany
Commercial registration number: HRB 282750

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI):


VAT Information:

Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a sales tax law:


Responsible for Content

The content of our website was developed and compiled by us with great care. We accept no liability for the accuracy, completeness, or quality of the content. As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on this site in accordance with the law and laws of general application. In accordance with the law, we are not obliged, however, as a service provider, to monitor relayed or stored third-party information, or to probe such information for circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information in accordance with laws of general application are not affected by this. Liability in this regard is only possible from the moment of becoming aware of a specific breach of law. We will immediately remove such content immediately upon becoming aware of corresponding breaches of the law.

Responsible i.S.d. Section 55 (2) RStV:
Timm Reinsdorf, Reinachstr. 57, 80995 Munich, Germany


Our website contains links to external third-party websites, the content of which is outside our control. We are not responsible for the content of linked sites and we do not represent these as our own. Liability for third-party content is therefore excluded. The respective provider or operator of a linked site is at all times responsible for the content of linked sites. The linked sites were, however, free from illegal content at the time of linking. Without concrete evidence of any wrongdoing, it is unreasonable to undertake permanent monitoring of the content of linked sites. If any breaches of law do emerge, we will remove such links immediately.

Copyright Notice

The electronic databases, texts, images, graphics, layout, and other content of this website are protected by copyright law. Third-party contributions are designated as such. The reproduction, distribution, editing, or other use that is not expressly allowed by copyright law or other laws requires our consent in writing. This also applies to the content of this website that is placed on third-party websites or reproduced in any other way. Making downloads from and copies of this site are only permitted for non-commercial use. The operators of the site endeavor always to respect the copyright of other parties and/or to use work that it has produced itself or that is freeware.