Scenario 3 — Blockchain-based Registry operated by a Traditional Registry (e.g. Verra or Goldstandard)


A growing number of companies and individuals are becoming aware of the climate crisis and the urgency that is required to address the looming problems. Corporations and consumers alike can offset the emissions they cannot reduce on the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) by buying credits, each representing a one metric-ton reduction in emissions. But the VCM for the most part is not yet digitized, which makes processes slow and inefficient. Blockchain technology could prove to be one of the most promising tools for social and environmental change, but no dominant design has emerged yet for the tokenization of carbon credits. In this multi-part series we take a look at the possibility, requirements and consequences of a larger traditional registry like Verra or Gold Standard developing their own blockchain-based registry.

Figure 1 — Centralized Traditional Registry bridges to Decentralized Blockchain Registry (e.g. Toucan)

Recap: Two-Way-Bridges

Figure 2 — Centralized Traditional Registry synced with Decentralized Blockchain Registry (e.g Thallo and Bio Carbon Registry)
Figure 3 — Blockchain-based Registry operated by a Traditional Registry (e.g. Verra or Goldstandard)

So what is the likelihood of this scenario taking place? In the short- to mid-term, it appears rather unlikely that the big registries will develop their own blockchain-based systems, mostly because of a lack of specialized resources and know-how. But given the dynamic of the market and the race for the dominant design still being open, it certainly cannot be ruled out.